Dark Patch - SWSH10: Astral Radiance (SWSH10)₡500.00PrecioCard Number / Rarity:139/189 / UncommonCard Type / HP / Stage:Item / /Card Text:Attach a basic D Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Benched D Pokémon.FoilElegirCantidadAgregar al carrito
Dark Patch - SWSH10: Astral Radiance (SWSH10)₡500.00PrecioCard Number / Rarity:139/189 / UncommonCard Type / HP / Stage:Item / /Card Text:Attach a basic D Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Benched D Pokémon.FoilElegirCantidadAgregar al carrito